Park Hill Church Podcast

Teachings And Lectures From Park Hill Church

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3 days ago

In this teaching, we consider what Christians mean when we use the word “God.” There’s also a lot of vagueness and haze that comes when we use this word, even as Christians. We talk about “God” as though we’re talking about the same thing. But most of the time, we aren’t talking about the same thing at all—and that’s just IN the church. When people talk about God outside the church, things get even more vague. In the famous story of Moses and God meeting at a burning bush, we are presented with an important opportunity to think very intentionally about WHO Christians are talking about when we talk about God.

Sunday Mar 16, 2025

Feelings can be tricky—they’re personal, sometimes unreliable, and easy to misinterpret. But the Bible shows us that they’re also a vital part of faith. Scripture doesn’t dismiss our emotions; instead, it gives us a roadmap to help us navigate them, leading us to their true purpose—deep, childlike intimacy with God, the creator of facts and Lord of our feelings.

A Suffering Community

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025

What if one of the greatest blessings in the Church is the presence of its own suffering people? Do you believe the Church needs sufferers? Brenna Blain visits Park Hill with a vulnerable message about how important it is for people to bring their authentic grief and loss into the center of the community in Jesus’ name.

Friday Mar 07, 2025

As a lawyer fresh out of law school, Jonathan Derby thought he knew what justice was. Punishment for the evildoer. Right? Today, Jonathan knows the justice of Jesus encompasses so much more than that. It's less about seeking punishment for evil and more about restoring humans who have been deprived of the flourishing God intends. Jonathan Derby is the Director of the Center for Justice and Reconciliation at Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU). He oversees an incredible initiative, which Park Hill financially partners with for 2025, called the Beauty for Ashes Scholarship Fund. This fund empowers survivors of sex-trafficking by enabling them to receive a college education at PLNU. Hear more about Jonathan and Beauty for Ashes in this final episode of our SEVEN conversations series.

Thursday Mar 06, 2025

Do you know what sex-trafficking is? Would you recognize it happening if you were staring right at it? Many of us think we would. But the sad truth is, our view of trafficking has been shaped more by the movies than by reality, which in turn enables human trafficking to hide in plain sight. It's time for the Church to open her eyes and move toward this issue with active compassion and willingness to learn.
Wheeler Fisher has worked directly with survivors of sex-trafficking for years. After serving in Recovery & Transitions for survivors, she currently serves as Philanthropic Relations Manager at GenerateHope. GenerateHope exists to provide long and short term housing and wrap-around support to survivors who have experienced sex trafficking, right here in San Diego. Please click the links below to learn how you can be part of the healing process of survivors today.
Online learning:
Shared Hope International
Polaris Project
Safety Planning Tools
Trafficking in Persons Report by Dept. of State (TIP)
PLNU & USD Research study on Sex Trafficking in San Diego
CDC: 6 Guiding Principles to a Trauma-Informed Care Approach
The Exodus Road Influenced Parents Academy
Recommended reading:
“Walking Prey” by Holly Austin Smith
“Runaway Girl” by Carissa Phelps
“The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van der Kolk
“Trauma and Recovery” by Judith Herman
Recommended watching:
“Nefarious” by Exodus Cry (documentary)

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025

Hope Leadership Academy (HLA) exists to give San Diego children a chance to thrive in a world full of hope and joy. And it is easier than you think to get involved. Sarah Reed is Program Director, Volunteer Manager, and Elementary Lead Academy Coordinator at HLA. In this conversation, she shares the biggest struggles facing at-risk youth right now. The Church can be an immediate solution to many of these problems. The question is, will we get up and move toward the vulnerable?
Get involved in helping at-risk youth thrive

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

10,000 people are currently homeless in San Diego. 70% of those people became homeless while living here. Can the Church be a crucial part of the solution to such a rampant problem? We believe so. Ashley Guzik Murray is Associate Director of Church Partnerships at San Diego Rescue Mission. She's also an amazing leader in our Park Hill Church community. In this conversation, hear Ashley's personal story of Christ's transformative power. If you don't want your heart inspired to actively love the homeless in your own backyard, don't listen to this episode!
Volunteer at the Rescue Mission

Monday Mar 03, 2025

There are currently 1,400 kids in the San Diego foster system. What is life like for a child in the system? What happens to the kids who don't end up placed in a foster home? In this illuminating conversation, Missy Bell briefly describes "the state of the union" of foster care in our city, as well as practical ways the Church of Jesus can literally participate in saving young lives.
Find simple ways to get involved in orphan care. 
Contact Olive Crest San Diego – 619.291.9347

Sunday Mar 02, 2025

Today we kickoff of SEVEN 2025—a multi-church week of worship, prayer and fasting. According to Isaiah 58, the fast God chooses is not a fast that simply benefits the ones fasting. Instead, true fasting leads us to embrace the poor and vulnerable in the name of Christ Jesus. But what does this look like practically? Today, Evan Wickham presents the "what" and "why" of fasting, and then we get to hear from amazing representatives from the following four Park Hill Church's justice partners. Our true fasting will lead to kingdom action alongside partners such as these: 
Missy Bell, Olive Crest.
Ashley Guzik Murray, San Diego Rescue Mission.
Alex Huerta, Hope Leadership Academy.
Wheeler Fisher, GenerateHope.

Monday Feb 24, 2025

Matthew Pursley teaches from Genesis 45:1-7, exploring how challenging and frustrating forgiveness can be. Saying "I forgive you" is often easier than truly meaning it from the heart. Yet, God promises that when we lay our pain at the feet of Jesus, we can experience true healing.

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